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Major Negotiation Points for Endowments Investing in Private Equity Funds

Investing in private equity funds can be a lucrative opportunity for endowments looking to diversify their portfolios and achieve substantial returns. However, navigating the complexities of private equity investments requires careful negotiation to ensure the interests of the endowment are adequately protected. Below are the major negotiation points that endowments should consider:

1. Fund Structure and Terms

Understanding the structure of the private equity fund is crucial. Key aspects include:

  • Management Fees: Negotiating lower management fees can significantly impact net returns. Endowments should compare fees across similar funds and push for reductions, especially if committing large capital.

  • Carry Structure: The carried interest, or profit share taken by fund managers, is another critical point. Endowments should negotiate for a higher hurdle rate or preferred return before carry is paid to ensure managers only benefit after a certain level of return is achieved.

2. Investment Strategy and Alignment

Ensuring that the fund’s investment strategy aligns with the endowment’s goals and risk tolerance is essential.

  • Sector Focus: Verify the sectors the fund intends to invest in and assess their alignment with the endowment’s investment philosophy.

  • Geographical Focus: Consider the geographical focus of the fund. Endowments with a preference for domestic or international investments should ensure the fund’s strategy matches their preferences.

3. Liquidity Provisions

Private equity investments are typically long-term and illiquid. Endowments should negotiate terms that provide some level of liquidity.

  • Redemption Rights: While uncommon in private equity, some funds offer limited redemption rights. Negotiating these rights can provide a safety net.

  • Secondary Market Sales: Ensure that there are provisions allowing the sale of interests on the secondary market to provide liquidity if needed.

4. Governance and Control

Having a say in the governance of the fund can help protect the endowment’s investment.

  • Advisory Committees: Negotiating a seat on the advisory committee can provide oversight and influence over key decisions.

  • Voting Rights: Seek to obtain voting rights on significant fund decisions, such as changes in strategy or key personnel.

5. Transparency and Reporting

Regular and transparent reporting is essential for monitoring the performance and risk of investments.

  • Frequency of Reports: Ensure the fund provides quarterly performance reports.

  • Detail Level: Reports should include detailed information on portfolio companies, valuations, and any significant events affecting the investments.

6. Co-Investment Opportunities

Co-investment opportunities allow endowments to invest directly in portfolio companies alongside the fund, often with lower or no management fees.

  • Access to Deals: Negotiate guaranteed access to co-investment opportunities.

  • Terms: Ensure favorable terms for co-investments, such as reduced fees or no carry.

7. Exit Strategy

Understanding and negotiating the exit strategy is vital to ensure returns are realized in a timely manner.

  • Exit Timing: Clarify the expected holding period and exit strategy for investments.

  • Distributions: Negotiate terms for how and when distributions will be made to investors.


Negotiating the terms of private equity investments is a complex but crucial process for endowments. By focusing on these key points, endowments can better protect their interests, align investments with their goals, and ultimately enhance their returns. For expert guidance on navigating these negotiations and maximizing your investment outcomes, reach out to our team today.

Need Assistance with Your Investments?

Reach out to our team for expert guidance on private equity fund investments tailored to endowments. Learn more about our Investor Representation services here.